Vraag vertrouwen voor circulaire bouwmaterialen
interreg NZ Circular Trust Buildinghttps://www.vives.be/nl/node/7432/edit#edit-group-collaborators
The transition to a circular, resource-efficient construction sector is crucial to achieve climate neutrality in 2050. Construction still accounts for 50% of all extracted materials, is responsible for 30% of EU’s waste and for at least 12% of Green House Gas emissions. However, this transition is lagging: the impact of circular building materials is still limited.
To accelerate the positive impact of circular building materials, Circular Trust Building (CTB) project partners have analysed earlier small scale circular building initiatives in their region and identified 4 critical success factors for circularity, re-use of waste, and lower emissions:
1.Level of integration
2.Organised trust
3.Shared learning
4.Common goals
Whereas uncertainties about both cooperation and life cycle outcomes can remain manageable on a small scale, on a larger scale they can only be organised by building trust and organising knowledge. Scaling these success factors requires new solutions, skills empowering stakeholders, and joint strategies and action plans. CTB will develop, test and validate these by applying the innovative socio-technical transition theory (see C3).
CTB brings together partners and stakeholders from NL and BE (frontrunners in the re-use of building materials) and runners-up in FR, DE, DK and SE. CTB partners already have strong local (private) stakeholder networks (28 Support Letters) including local (de-)construction, design, development, and maintenance companies. With CTB, partners act on the demand for support from these stakeholders and enable them to cooperate transnationally on the transition to a circular building material economy.
The outcomes will be culminated in 7 regional circular deals, which will demonstrate solutions for the uptake by other (NSR) regions. Letters of intent will be signed by partners, businesses and other stakeholders in regional circular deals to invest 100 million euro in the development of circular buildings with a 25% reduced material footprint.