VIVES University of Applied Sciences
International Offices:
VIVES Bruges: +32 50 30 52 33
VIVES Kortrijk: +32 56 26 41 64
Documents you create for assignments can turn out quite large. In such cases, the usual channels like Toledo and square will not suffice to send those files. Here, We Transfer is the solution. If you want to send several documents at once, you should create a zip-file of the folder containing all your files.
Generally, documents are submitted either via an assignment in Toledo or via an item in Square (only for distance learning). A movie clip you submit via Kaltura (possibly via YouTube). If you have exceeded the maximum upload limit-in Toledo is that default 250 MB, in square is that 450 MB-then you can first try to adapt your files to a smaller file size (e.g. by compressing images).
Should you end up with a file that exceeds that maximum size, you can use Belnet FileSender. How do you send a document?
Information & instructions can be found in this manual:
You can also use WeTransfer, but there is an upload limit of 2 GB.
If you want to send multiple files in one go, then it is clumsy to upload the files one by one as separate attachments in Toledo, square or a WeTransfer-mail. It is best to first bundle your files in a zip file and send that zip file in one go. Information can be found in this manual:
Do you have another problem or do you have a specific question? Please contact the servicedesk.
International Offices:
VIVES Bruges: +32 50 30 52 33
VIVES Kortrijk: +32 56 26 41 64