Link is the online platform used by courses to deal with all the administration concerning internships. Ranging from appointing internships or practical assignments for an internship or thesis and uploading internship contracts, to feedback and evaluations of practical assignments. 

Practical information

If your course uses Link and your individual study programme (ISP) is complete, all course units containing practice components will appear under your profile. Depending on each course, you will have to take some steps in Link, for every course decides its own process. Your internship coordinator will provide you with more information, a comprehensive manual can be found below.


To register as a student on Link, follow these steps:

  • Click on the 'Link' button.
  • Then click on 'Student'.
  • Log in with your VIVES account (r-number) and password, in combination with the 2FA.
  • You will then be logged in to Link.

To log in to Link as an external user, follow these steps:

  • Click on the 'Link' button.
  • Then click on 'External user'.
  • Log in using the e-mail address and password you chose when registering.
  • You will then be logged in to Link.

A manual for Link is available for a student and for an external user:

Problems and questions?

Are you a student and still experiencing problems or do you have a specific question, please contact our Servicedesk.

Are you an external user and still experiencing problems or do you have a specific question, please mail us at [email protected].