Programme Bruges - Content of the sessions and biographies of the lecturers

A few entries into 21st-century thinking skills (Mr Joost Cottyn)

We live in an exciting time. Never were changes so rapid. Never were we as humans less in control of the world around us. Never were the challenges in the future greater. If we are to survive as a human species, we had better learn to deal with this turbulent world as quickly and well as possible. Our thinking will also have to adapt. Whether in organizations, families or on a personal level: thinking about new paths, new possibilities, is inevitable. We must have the courage to learn, without standing still. We must dare to adopt different ways of seeing. This workshop gives you a few entries into 21st-century thinking skills that will help you create a new future for yourself and those around you.

Joost Cottyn was a top manager in the banking industry for many years. Since 2015, he has been making his experience available as a successful business mentor. In his work, he challenges people to innovate and evolve. The ideas of this book and workshop form the basis of his method in doing so. As a connector, trainer, coach and consultant, he is close to reality and inspires the right change through his drive and enthusiasm.

Business development (Ms Annelies van der Jagt)

During this pressure cooker you are going to learn more about the principles of Business Development and experience this yourself. How to make a sustainable business case and what kind of business models to consider? Through short assignments that require quick decision-making you will experience the choices to be made when bringing a product or service to the market. 

Annelies van der Jagt is an enthusiastic professional with a background in Strategy, Innovation and HR. She is experienced in business development both from a corporate and entrepreneurial perspective and even as a corporate entrepreneur. Furthermore, her passion for diverse teams is a source of inspiration for successful teamwork. 

Emotional intelligence & Business (Mr Máté Prorok)

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is essential for effective leadership, decision-making, collaboration, and overall business success. The goal of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of emotional intelligence and its application in various business contexts. Participants will acquire the skills they need to improve their emotional intelligence, establish strong relationships, effectively manage emotions, and negotiate challenging business situations through interactive conversations, case studies, and hands-on exercises.

Máté Prorok is an economist, researcher and university lecturer with MSc and BSc degrees specializing in business management and business development. He is doing his Ph.D. in artificial intelligence, natural intelligence, business decision making and innovation fields, but also a researcher in the area of digitalization, international studies and the Erasmus+ program. For professional achievements, he is part of startup and innovation programs, he publishes in different journals, researches at international scientific conferences. At Gál Ferenc University in Hungary he is a lecturer, a permanent member of the academic scientific student conference jury, the secretary of the university specialist college program, and the coordinator of the Hungarian Startup University Program. He received a National Higher Education Scholarship from the Ministry of Innovation and Technology in Hungary.

Global sustainability and entrepreneurship (Ms Lies Verstraete)

The beginning of the 21st century is characterised by rapid change and profound societal challenges. The complexity of the world has increased exponentially, and political, economic, and sociocultural developments can at present only be analysed and understood in a global context. To address those challenges and seize the accompanying opportunities, the UN General Assembly formally adopted the Sustainable Development Goals with Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. These 17 Global Goals aim to commit everyone to initiatives and decisions needed to put our planet and society back on a sustainable path. Through an increasing focus on sustainable entrepreneurship and a commitment to innovative business approaches that respond to today's challenges with tomorrow's problems in mind, entrepreneurs play a key role in contributing to Agenda 2030 and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this lecture, in addition to a broad view on Global Sustainability, we aim to explore the interaction between entrepreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals, using an inspiring good practice from a Belgian company. 

Lies Verstraete graduated as a Geographer from the University of Ghent, after which she started an additional study in Conflict and Development. After a career start as a Geography teacher in various secondary schools in Belgium and later a Geography, History and Dutch teacher and a Mother Tongue coordinator at different international schools in Shanghai, Lies joined VIVES University of Applied Sciences in 2013 as a lecturer in Geography Education at the teacher training department. Since 2017, she has been working as a policy officer in the Global Engagement Office, where she focuses on Global Engagement, the Sustainable Development Goals and Sustainability, global learning and global citizenship in higher education. She teaches ‘Global Sustainability and Engagement’ to both exchange and VIVES students and coaches students through their Global Engagement track. 

Social economy and social entrepreneurship (Dr Florin-Teodor Boldeanu)

The workshop presents the important concepts of social economy, social enterprises and social entrepreneurship. We will analyse the important actors – ‘’social entrepreneurs’’ at European level to see if they are socially responsible and economically sustainable. Are we respecting the SDGs (sustainable development goals) set up from 2015 or are we regressing? For this we have to discuss the EU support in legal, social and inclusive entrepreneurship by funding, knowledge-sharing and policy work. There will be a visit to a social enterprise in the area of Bruges which is involved in social aspects.

Dr Florin-Teodor Boldeanu is a Visiting professor at several important universities in Europe, like VIVES University of Applied Sciences in Belgium, Skema Business School in Lille - France and Transilvania University of Brasov in Romania. Presently he teaches courses focusing on economics, financial analysis, social economy and valuation. He has a PhD in Economics and is a certified valuer for real estate properties for more than 5 years. He has a solid background in economics research and more than 8 years in writing research book, articles and papers.

AI & Business (Mr Máté Prorok)

In this workshop, you will learn how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in business. Nowadays, we are experiencing a large rise in data-intensive technologies. The use and applications of artificial intelligence as well as the ethical and legal factors of AI in business will be discussed and studied. During the workshop, we will also cover the dangers of the organizational application of artificial intelligence. In addition, you will be able to get acquainted with other interesting facts that reveal the technologies of the future and the technological waves related to artificial intelligence. Active participation is recommended, as the use of an interactive approach will be significant in the workshop. However, it is important to know in advance that no prior training or knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence is required to participate in this workshop.


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