During your time as a student, your calendar never has to be blank. There are of course your school commitments and the many parties and other social events - but that's not all. For a nice mix of relaxation and enrichment, you can also enjoy a healthy dose of culture. As a VIVES student, you will have plenty of opportunities to do so at an advantageous price.
You'll be receiving a European Youth Card for free, which is good for numerous discounts on cultural activities at home and abroad. In addition, the BILL-newsletter gives you a lot of cultural tips. Each student will receive an email with more details.
Student initiatives
Students who have a good idea they would like to realise, can submit it to the Student Facilities Department (Stuvo). Thanks to sponsoring, students are encouraged to partake in various fun, sporting and cultural initiatives at low prices. This can be at much as half the cost, with a maximum of 50 € per person.
Your activity has to meet certain conditions: it is not curriculum-related (i.e. not linked to the evaluation of students), widely accessible and does not aim to make a profit. The target group of the activity you organise is, of course, VIVES students. As a sponsor, Stuvo must be mentioned on all publicity, and afterwards you will provide a report on how you have spent the amount of money you have been awarded.