As a Bachelor of Hotel Management, you are a professional who is perfectly at home in the fascinating world of hospitality. The Hospitality Management specialisation offers a high level of professional knowledge and skills, three or four foreign languages, a strong economic foundation, good ICT skills, the ability to work in a team, presentation skills and international experience. On top of that, you will get specific practical and theoretical courses that will lead to a bright future as a manager in a hotel or resort. You can also opt to build your own business in the future. Our graduates’ versatility, language skills and social skills are also higly appreciated by other industries.
As a Bachelor of Hotel Management, you are a professional who is perfectly at home in the fascinating world of hospitality. The Hospitality Management specialisation offers a high level of professional knowledge and skills, three or four foreign languages, a strong economic foundation, good ICT skills, the ability to work in a team, presentation skills and international experience.
These competencies are also highly appreciated in many other industries and will offer you the opportunity to continue your studies and obtain a Master’s Degree or an additional Bachelor’s Degree. Hospitality Management students are dynamic and interested in frequent social contacts, challenges and creative teamwork. A prior qualification from a catering school is not required. There is more to learning than studying alone. If you want, you can join SorHoMa, the student club for Hotel Management. The student club organises all kinds of activities for the students in the programme and a colloquium with keynote speakers from the hospitality sector.
The programme is highly focused on practical experience. This is illustrated by the many projects, industry contacts and internships. During the ‘Café CuiZien’ project, for example, you and a number of fellow students will develop your own catering business by engaging in teamwork and by combining your language and presentation skills and your creative, economic and hospitality competencies.