Transgressive behaviour is not tolerated within VIVES, we want you to feel safe. However, when it should be necessary, we commit to act. VIVES wants to lower the threshold for reporting transgressive behaviour. On this page, you can make a report. At VIVES, we take your report seriously and treat it in confidence. You can count on professional support and expert follow-up. You can also report anonymously. Transgressive behaviour, in whatever form, is not acceptable. 

Reporting transgressive behaviour 

Reporting can be a first step towards breaking it. Even if you do not want to take further steps, we still recommend reporting it. Maybe you think your situation is not serious enough, that you will not be believed or that it will get worse if you report it? You can also come to the hotline with these questions, in complete discretion. In addition, your report can also help build a prevention policy and avoid incidents for you and others in the future. 

For whom - by whom? 

This hotline is there to report transgressive behaviour by students and staff. Anyone can make a report. 


All questions or reports are handled discreetly by a professional counsellor with professional confidentiality. To contact you in response to your report, we ask that you leave a telephone number and e-mail address. All information will be treated confidentially. Nothing is disseminated further without your explicit consent. Do you wish to report anonymously? That is possible. The phone and e-mail fields are not mandatory fields. 

What happens to your report? 


We process your complaint. Did you report anonymously? Then we will register your report and adjust our policy where necessary.  

First assistance 

If we are allowed to contact you, a professional counsellor will do so (student psychologist or official confidential counsellor). This professional counsellor will contact you, offer a listening ear and help you clarify your question or report. 

Outlining follow-up 

This professional counsellor will go over any further steps with you. In what way can talking or mediation take place? Or is a formal (disciplinary) procedure appropriate? Is there a need for additional assistance inside or outside VIVES? You always decide for yourself whether to take action and if so, which steps. 

Registration - without further steps 

In any case, we register and anonymise all reports in order to work on an environment where transgressive behaviour is avoided or dealt with when necessary, with an up-to-date policy. 

Filing a report of transgressive behaviour

Who is who? 

What is transgressive behaviour? 

Transgressive behaviour is any form of undesirable behaviour that crosses your personal boundaries. It usually involves bullying, unwanted sexual behaviour or violence, but actually any form of unwanted behaviour qualifies: harassment, stalking, discrimination, blackmail, and so on.  Transgressive behaviour can greatly affect your well-being and mental and physical health, resulting in social isolation, feelings of anxiety and depression, worsening results, poor collaboration, discontinuation of studies, and so on. Not everyone is of the same opinion. If you feel something is transgressive, it is. Talk about it or report it. 

In urgent need of a conversation?